My "why"
On december 21,2021 my grandfather passed away, although it was expected the grief was not. for his birthday a few months later we printed lots of photos of him throughout different stages of his life. I had noticed that there were no professional photos taken of him, as well as very few recent ones.
in august of 2022 my childhood dog passed away. when looking for photos of him i had realized that there were no great photos of him.
in march of 2023 i started photographing baseball games and i have not looked back sense then.
i am determined to capture memories of your loved ones, as well as celebrating the life of your loved ones who have passed.
I also try to support organizations like Texas against fentanyl and specil pals. I often donate a precentage of my proceeds to organizations in need.
i try to raise awarness to organizations and things important to me.
if you have any organizations you would like me to look into supporting, send me an email!